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Program stipendiranja Roma i Romkinja iz oblasti zdravlja

Stvaranje generacije romskih profesionalaca u oblasti medicine

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Learning to work with media


On July 30, 2013 was conducted a one-day training in the advocacy camp, where was presented communication components, as well as the expectations of the participants in terms of working with the media. Two groups of participants were trained, each of 25 people. The topics discussed were:
• Why is it important to communicate with the media;
• How to create a positive image;
• In which way to In which way to influence public opinion positively;
• The Roma community in the media
•The importance to present ourselves as Roma.
The training included practical TV works too. As the result there are five video interviews and eight video portraits. After training a press release is distributed between the national and regional media.


Open Society Foundations

Institut za otvoreno društvo obezbeđuje kompletnu podršku programu.


Udruženje romskih studenata

Škola javnog zdravlja

Medija centar Beograd

Udruženje romskih studenata implementira komponentu javnog zagovaranja, Škola javnog zdravlja implementira mentorsku komponentu, a Medija centar implementira medijsku komponentu programa.