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Burse medicale pentru romi

Dezvoltăm o generație de profesioniști romi în domeniul medical

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5 years of support to Roma students in Serbia

Aiming to influence the problem of shortage of Roam professionals in the field of medicine, the Roma Education Fund from Budapest together with the Open Society Fund Hungary and the Open Society Fund Serbia, within the Roma Public Health Program, is implementing the Roma Health Scholarship Program.
During the past 5 years, the Program has been supporting Romani students who are educated in the field of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy at the university level, at the level of advance schools of professional studies and secondary vocational schools.

In addition to the financial support, the Roma students and teachers have also received individual scholarships for foreign language courses, to participate at conferences and summer schools, work with mentors during the studies, and to get trained for public representation.

The results achieved during the past 5 years and the significance of Program support to education and security of better life of the members of the Roma national minority will be presented at the press conference.


  • Jelica Nikolic, RHS Program coordinator
  • prof. dr Snezana Simic, Institute for social medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, representative of the mentorship component of the RHS program
  • Smiljana Ramanovic, program scholarship holder