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Bridging the Gap

The goal of the Project Bridging the Gap is to contribute to combating the most frequent anti-Roma stereotypes by promoting positive stories and Roma students work through a documentary film about RHSP scholarship beneficiaries.

Media Centre Belgrade (Serbia) realized the project Bridging the Gap – production of a documentary film which was financially supported by the Fund for an Open Society Serbia and Open Society Institute Hungary through Roma Health Program

The goal of the Project Bridging the Gap is to contribute to combating the most frequent anti-Roma stereotypes by promoting positive stories and Roma students work through a documentary film about RHSP scholarship beneficiaries.

Making a documentary drama about successful Roma students will promote the scholarship program and contribute to combat the anti-Roma stereotypes showing life and academic work of the Roma scholars who made excellent academic achievements. Supporting Roma in the education process as an essential segment of individual development and an opportunity for a better social status and social recognition for achieved results is of paramount importance. The documentary drama will also support the advocacy component of the Program through picture and story about successful Roma students and, in that way, backup and encourage more and more Roma students to endure in education.