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Building a generation of Roma medical professionals


SCANNER – Students answering the same questions
BORIS NIKOLIĆ, a student of the sixth year of medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad

To what extent is the RHSP Program important for you?

For me, RHSP means, in the first place, financial support, because it enabled me to focus only on learning, thus eliminating my vital problem - the finances. Without it I would not have been able to buy the necessary literature, bus tickets to the faculty, etc. Additional help was that I could cover and supersede some of my own expenditures. It meant a lot to me in psychological terms, too, when it came to learning.

How much does the work with mentors mean to you and what does it consist of?

Regarding the studies, of course we learnt ourselves, we passed our exams ourselves, but the mentors had a huge role to that effect. Because, regardless of learning on our own, the mentors is there to give us some very important guidelines and help us avoid the unnecessary waste of time. On the other hand, they render psychological and mental support, they are our guides – we know we have someone from the faculty, someone from the branch, who we can always turn to for advice.

In your opinion, how important is the RHSP Program for the health system of Serbia?

The data indicate to progress. I don’t know how visible and successful it is for those who designed the program, but as I hear and see there are more and more students and bachelors. Were it not for this program, the number would certainly be less.  

How important is education of the Roma and how much does it contribute to the Roma ethnic group?
The fact is that the Romani people live shorter than the others. Even the doctors did some research which proved that poorly educated people live shorter. Hence, it is very important that the Roma are educated in the field of health.

What do you think about the importance of RHSP for the education system of Serbia in general?

Roma education is important in every sense of the word. Not only when it comes to the health-related sciences. Among other things, it helps conscience-raising of the people. Maybe the Roma would have a longer life span if they studied anything else, not just the medical sciences; the only important thing is that they learn; they work their way up.

How important is education of the Roma and how much does it contribute to prejudice-breaking about the Roma population?

It is the best way to break the prejudices about the Roma. In my opinion, emancipation and education are the basis for prejudice-breaking about us. Thus, the majority population finds out that we are equally capable as all other citizens of this community and that there is absolutely no difference in that sense.

Have your expectations been met when this Program is concerned?

Yes, they have, even more than I expected. I am going to write a scientific paper with my professor soon, which will be welcome at the end of the studies. The paper will be in the field of anatomy, vascular surgery, or maybe neurovascular, we have yet to see about it… I am going to present it at a congress. My previous mentor fulfilled everything that was required from her; and as far as I am concerned, I think I’ve done my part well, too, and that I am still doing it. Indeed, I can say only the best things about this Program.  

IVANA RAMIĆ, a student of the fifth year of the Faculty of Medicine in Niš

To what extent is RHSP Program important for you?

Let me first mention the financial support of the Program – owing to that I can completely focus on the studies and my further professional progress, without bothering whether I will be able to provide for fundamental resources for the very studies. Meeting so many educated people from my own community, who I did not have a chance to get in contact with before, also means a lot to me. Now, I cooperate with them at different projects and hang out privately.

How much does the work with mentors mean to you and what does it consist of?

The mentor has made my studies easier – he gives me advice about the exams, helps me surmount the teaching materials and gives me instructions about what and how to learn in the right way. Thanks to him I met some exceptionally good professors with whom I have excellent communication and who are open for cooperation. Besides the professional, my mentor and I have a very good private relationship.

In your opinion, how important is RHSP program for the health system of Serbia?

Apart to recruiting the growing number of the young Roma for health professions, various forms of workshops are conducted within the RHSP Program, which are all based on prevention of various diseases. From the health perspective, it is very important for us and we are well aware that its implementation is much cheaper than treatment costs, still it is “better to prevent than to have to cure”. On the basis of that, one can say that the Program has divers influence on the health system.

How important is education of the Roma in the field of health and how much does it contribute to the Roma ethnic group?

With the growing number of medical professionals, the conscience about health within our community will rise. Because, we are the ones who should spread the positive influence and mobilize our people to care more about their health. It is also important that, knowing that someone “their” is the one who they address to when they have health problems, they will visit doctors more often as they will have more trust.

What do you think about the importance of RHSP for the education system of Serbia in general?

Owing to this Program, our community is aroused to a higher level of education. Speaking globally, the number of those with high education is increasing, the mass that can have a positive impact and participate in making crucial decisions together with the majority population.
How important is education of the Roma and how much does it contribute to prejudice-breaking about the Roma population?
It is very important because the number of people who can occupy the positions where they will be able to participate at improvement of the Roma status. Although these prejudices are difficult to break, I think that some changes have been made there too. I have never had any unpleasant situation with the majority population, I don’t know how to explain it, but I think that my professional status contributes to that after all. We come to the point when education is the only thing that can save us from that bad tag.  

Have your expectations been met when this Program is concerned?

My expectations have been completely fulfilled. I wish the Program continues and keeps on encouraging young people to concentrate on medical professions. Thus, there would be more of us and we would probably combat the prejudices even more efficiently.

DANIJELA DIMIĆ, a student of the third year of the Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad

To what extent is RHSP Program important for you?

I have been the RHSP scholarship holder since the beginning of the studies and for me this program means support and a fellow-traveller in accomplishment of my dream, which is to become a pharmacist, to afford a trainee practice, attend all students’ activities and develop into a professional for my future career.

How much does the work with mentors mean to you and what does it consist of?

I have had the same mentor since the first year of my faculty, Assistant Professor Nataša Milošević. I have built a wonderful relationship and mutual trust with her during the past years. The attention she pays to me is really great and thanks to her advice I have succeeded to achieve the goals I drafted out for myself. We talk twice or three times a week. Although she does not teach me any longer, she is always there to give me advice whenever I have a problem, she is the first I call when I pass an exam and I am glad I have someone at the faculty like her – to praise me and rejoice together with me for my successes, but also to turn my attention when she notices that I failed to do something properly and to correct it.

In your opinion, how important is RHSP Program for the health system of Serbia?

I think that the number of Roma students is very small, primarily because the studies in Serbia are financially very demanding. Therefore, it is important to have a program like this which will offer an opportunity to the young to make their dreams come true and thus contribute to this society.

How important is education of the Roma in the field of health and how much does it contribute to the Roma ethnic group?

As I already said, the number of the Roma who go to school and enrol faculties is very small. That is why it is important for us to be an example and to promote this Program so that they have a chance to enrol what they want and perhaps become RHSP scholarship beneficiaries. And, in that way, pursue their goal.  

How important is RHSP for the health system of Serbia?

This Program is very important, in the first place because it offers an opportunity to meet other young Roma who are also the scholarship beneficiaries, to exchange experiences with them and talk about how we could affect other young people, to be together the models to younger generations and thereby improve the picture of our people.

How important is education of the Roma and how much does it contribute to prejudice-breaking about the Roma population?

I have never met anyone with any prejudices, but I think it is vital to promote us as educated young Roma. In that way we show our more beautiful and different side which disagrees from the image of the majority population about us. On the other hand, we show our compatriots that they should not put up with what is being said – that the Roma cannot be successful, to the contrary, they should fight for themselves and their dreams. That we can become respectable doctors, dentists, pharmacists, teachers…

Have your expectations been met when this Program is concerned?

Yes, they have. I am completely satisfied with this program because it has enabled me, among other things and in addition to the studies, to learn English and additionally increase the chances for advancement in the future profession.  

KRISTINA ASANOVIĆ, a student of the fourth year of the Faculty of Medicine in Niš

To what extent is RHSP Program important for you?

In financial terms it meant a lot to me, because in the third year I was not at the budget, so it made my studies much easier. On the other hand, there is a mentoring component. Therefore - both mentors and finances – more than enough for stimulation to go on and, most importantly, to be ever better.

How much does the work with mentors mean to you and what does it consist of?

At the beginning I had a strictly business relationship with my mentor which was reduced only to preparation of exams. He did not want to be mild towards me. In time, this relationship began to change and we came to the point when we can literally go for a coffee and have a talk. He always recommends me which exam I should take, when, how; he appoints consultations with other professors. This help means a lot to me. With his support I started writing a paper in physiology.

In your opinion, how important is the RHSP Program for the health system of Serbia?

It is important, however, considering I live in a Roma settlement I know how the treatment system works there. They would do anything to avoid going to the doctor’s. When they can, they go to the pharmacy, buy what the pharmacist recommends them and that’s it. Their way of thinking is – if it is coming from God, then it’s my destiny, and maybe if they went to see a doctor in time, they would prevent or at least alleviate the consequences.

How important is education of the Roma in the field of health and how much does it contribute to the Roma ethnic group? 

It is of vital importance as there is no such seed, such embryo in the Roma population that would emanate them to receive a therapy. I will take an example of my mother – if I studied, for instance, the law or did not study at all, nobody would encourage her to take regular medical checkups. When there is nobody who understands medicine, who would instruct them, explain them some things, they think that it’s nothing serious if you don’t visit a doctor. So, it is very important somebody encourages them and points out to the problems they might face if they do not take regular checkups, regular controls, but also in the cases when they suffer from a disease.  

What do you think about the importance of RHSP for the education system of Serbia in general?

I want to emphasize how important it is to stimulate education of the Roma. Not only in the field of medical sciences, but in general. Also, young people should be encouraged to find a job after finished faculty – because, what after the faculty?

How important is education of the Roma and how much does it contribute to prejudice-breaking about the Roma population?

I experienced discrimination several times during the secondary school, not only by the pupils, but also by the school psychologist, something like - why would you study, why do you need to go to school, keep on like all you compatriots who do nothing, learn nothing, who only sit at home and receive social aid. However, I wanted to prove the opposite - that I am not like the majority of my population, that I, too, can study, that I am not stupid, that I can be and I am among better students from my generation and, what is the most important, I proved to all of them, and in the first place to myself and my family, that I can succeed in this. It is essential to learn, but also that my surroundings take my example. Now, more Roma children enrol schools than when I was little. Indeed, there are a lot of Roma who are poor, who do not go to school, while we, the students of medical sciences, are scarce.

Have your expectations been met when this Program is concerned?

I am extremely satisfied. I like the way in which we succeeded to create the relationship both with the coordinator for us in Serbia and with Janko who is in charge of the mentors. I am really enthusiastic. And my greatest happiness would be if after we finish the studies we are offered some help and support for employment. That would be a full stop on an “and”. Fulfilment in any meaning – we would be a small but important medical army.

TAMARA AMETOVIĆ, a student of the fifth year of the Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad

To what extent is RHSP Program important for you?

It is important to a great extent. Both because of the financial support we receive and because of additional components such as mentoring, possibility to learn the languages, whereas I used one additional component – so called “Small Community Projects”, and/or “Small-scale Projects”, so that I acquired some new experiences. I reached the level when I myself could do a project. Sincerely, were it not for this scholarship I am not sure if my parents could finance my studies, because everything is expensive.

How much does the work with mentors mean to you and what does it consist of?

Mentoring is equally important as the support I received in financial terms. It did and it still means to me to have someone who is important, highly ranked, someone who can extend support in the manner nobody else can, since, after all, they are educated people, doctors, they work at the faculty, and it is certainly good to listen to their advice, to have them make study plans for us, and alike, but also to raise us mentally and psychologically when we, for example, fail an exam.

In your opinion, how important is RHSP program for the health system of Serbia?

It is important there are as many Roma doctors as possible because it is good for the Roma population and for the health system in general. Quality and qualified medical staff is always welcome and needed.

How important is education of the Roma in the field of health and how much does it contribute to the Roma ethnic group?

Unfortunately, in reality the number of doctors who come from the Roma population is insignificant and it is of exceptional importance that we as the future health workers promote among our compatriots the importance of life quality improvement, emphasize the importance of therapy, regular diet, hygiene, etc. In that way, the picture about us can be changed.

What do you think about the importance of RHSP for the education system of Serbia in general?

There are many social cases among us the Roma, so that those who would like to go to school simply do not have the conditions for that. In that respect, RHSP Program has greatly facilitated the studies for all of us. The fact is that without financial support many of us would not be able to go to school. A great percentage of the Roma are poor and I think that such poverty is one of main causes and reasons why they don’t go to school.

How important is education of the Roma and how much does it contribute to prejudice-breaking about the Roma population?

It is vital. In order to be able to show to the majority population that we, national minorities, can do the same as they, that we are equal and concurrent with them, that we are capable of learning and working as everyone else, that we are not different from them, and break all possible barriers and prejudices towards us in that way.

Have your expectations been met when this Program is concerned?

My expectations are completely fulfilled. I realized everything I planned. I studied and worked and in the end it paid out. But I have to say that the scholarship had a significant role in it all, without it probably I wouldn’t be where I am now.


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