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Building a generation of Roma medical professionals


Training in advocacy for over 70 medical students from Roma origin
For seventh consecutive year "Amalipe" Center organized advocacy training for 35 Roma students who are studying in medical universities and colleges across the country. The training was held in Veliko Tarnovo from 27 July to 1 August and it is part of a program to support the Roma - medical students, coordinated by the "Open Society". Students traditionally will deal with problems in the field of Roma integration, health and health reform as a whole and will express their position on the issues.
As part of the training program students explore theatrical techniques to work on important issues in health care reform and Roma integration, and they will work with specialists in theater-based techniques and group work. The end result - a short theatrical performance was presented to the public in the space between the building of the municipality of Veliko Tarnovo and the Faculty of Arts on July 31 in the range 12:00 to 12:30 as well as at 18.00 on the same day in chamber salon of community center"Iskra".
In another part of the training the students perform field work in various towns of Veliko Tarnovo region. They examine what are the main problems faced by the inhabitants of these settlements in their access to quality health services. As a result of field work, students will formulate its proposals on the main discussed current topics related to health reform.
As a closing event on 31 July is held a student roundtable "Challenges to health reform in small towns." Forum participants will present their observations from field work and will make concrete proposals to improve access to health services for vulnerable minorities, improving the quality of health care in small towns as well as ideas for improving the overall living conditions in Roma settlements and in rural areas. The Minister of Health Dr. Petar Moskov, and other representatives of the health department are invited to participate in the event.


Open Society Foundations


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