Advocacy component

Advocacy component organized as summer schools, where the scholarship beneficiaries receive trainings aimed at personal development and fostering leadership skills, introduction to health advocacy process, perspectives on the Right to Health, presentation of the Roma culture and tradition specificities that contributes to building networks of the Roma health experts as an important partner in development and implementation of public policies and further in the inclusion process implementation. Also, the trainings enabled the applicants to improve their communication and negotiation skills in order to strengthen them in their role of the agents for change in the local communities with their professional capacities – particularly in the role of inter-cultural dialogue mediators. The trainings offer a broader perspective to the candidates on the human rights related topics in the field of the Roma community health as well as the role they can have as advocates of the Roma health-related rights on the local, national and international level.
Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance "Amalipe" perform advocacy component. The program implements trainings in advocacy both for the students and mentors.
Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance "Amalipe" perform advocacy component. The program implements trainings in advocacy both for the students and mentors.