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Roma Health Scholarship Program

Building a generation of Roma medical professionals

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My Greatest Wish Was to become a Doctor

Salija Ljatif, graduated Dentist on Faculty of Dentistry / University Ciril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia

With the RHSP’s financial assistance I managed to graduate and improve myself as a person.

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A Doctor for the People

Miroslav Angelov, 4th year student of Medicine in Sofia Medical University

I hope I will specialize in cardiology and I see myself in the future as a doctor who works among people, sharing their problems, rather than sitting in the office.

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To Achieve Significant Scientific Results – That’s my Goal

Smiljana Ramanovic, 4th year student of Faculty of Medicine in Nis, Serbia

For me, it was very important to fully focus on my studies. This scholarship enabled me to buy all the books I needed and to attend classes properly, without any psychological strain, which is very important when you have to focus on studies.

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Photographer: Petruț Călinescu

Roma Doctor in Hospital

Alina Călin, Resident doctor in surgery, St. Spiridon Hospital

My goal is not just to help patients, but also to do whatever it takes to end discrimination in emergency room, where Roma patients are often the last to be treated.
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Mentor’s Valuable Advices

Dajana Demiri, student of the Faculty of Medicine, Skopje

The Mentorship component that the program provides is of great assistance to us, because with the help of the mentors we are able to better comprehend how the Faculty functions.

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Prilep’s First Roma Girl Studies Outside her Living Residence

Selma Eminoska, 3rd year of Faculty of Medicine, Skopje

I am especially proud of the fact that number of Roma medical students is increasing, especially the number of Roma girls who study medicine. I am the first Roma girl from Prilep to study outside her residence and it serves as a positive example for other parents to support their children to study.

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Roma Health Scholarship Program

The Scholarship component offers open merit and competition based academic scholarships for Roma students pursuing Bachelor, Master, or Doctorate degrees at state-accredited universities in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia.

In order to assist the interested candidates to successfully complete and submit their Online Application Form (OAF), REF SP provides scholarship scheme-specific information and guidelines on eligibility and selection criteria as indicated below.


Open Society Foundations

Open Society Foundations provide the overall support for the RHSP.