The Advocacy camps organized by Sastipen-Roma Center for Health Policies between 2008 and 2015 offered the participants precious information regarding ROMANIPEN and methods and techniques of how to approach Roma communities, health system and factors that influence the health situation, and national and international legislation regarding human rights. All this information enriched participants' knowledge, leading to their empowerment and development as young Roma who will not lose their ethnic identity, thus helping to combat stereotypes and prejudices about the levels of professionalism of young Roma. The young people learned to become doctors dedicated to their profession and sensitive to the needs of vulnerable people. Also, the advocacy camps support the development of a generation of Roma professionals, knowing that a marginal group can overcome this state of disadvantage by creating elite who accept its affiliation to the group and who takes an active role to improve the situation of that group. Self-esteem, continuous information, involvement and courage are concepts that Roma students learn in the national advocacy camps organized by Sastipen.
2014 - 2015
In 2015, the Advocacy camp was organized on 13 – 22 February 2015 in Piatra Neamt and it had 45 Roma students as participants. This year, we added to the curricula of the training debates on health issues in Roma communities, with the local and county public authorities. Thus, the students had the opportunity to present and debate the health issues identified in Roma communities visited in the previous years, with the public authorities.
2011 - 2013
In 2011-2013, the project was financed by the European Social Fund and the Romanian Government. During this period two Advocacy Camps were organized, one on 1-9 Spember 2011 and the other on 20-29 April 2013. 160 Roma students participated in the two Advocacy camps. For more details visit www.profesionistiromi.ro
2010 - 2011
In 2010, the Advocacy Camp was organised in the period 15-24 August, in Piatra Neamt, where 85 Roma students. The camp was concentrated on the same subjects but a new element was introduced by involving the 2008 and 2009 grantees as resouce-persons for trainers and the new beneficiaries.
2009 - 2010
In 2009, the Advocacy Camp was organized during 10-19 August in Piatra Neamț where 62 Roma students participated. One of the most interesting training sessions which had a major impact on the beneficiaries was the “Roma culture and traditions” session where the Sastipen team invited a traditional Roma leaders interact with the youngsters. In the same time with the camp, the follow-up session for the 2008 generation was organized and so the two generations had the chance to interact and exchange experiences.
2008 -2009
Starting with 2008, SASTIPEN – Roma Center for Health Policies, with the technical and financial support of OSI – Roma Health Project, became responsible for the implementation of the advocacy component targeting the scholarship semi-finalists and for the mentors. This was the first year in which the component was developed. The advocacy camp was organized in Piatra Neamț during the period 20-29 August. The training courses were concentrated on leadership, communication, gender issues, advocacy technics, and legislative elements important for the Roma health issues.