Advocacy training organized as summer schools, where the scholarship beneficiaries will receive trainings aimed at personal development and fostering leadership skills, introduction to health advocacy process, perspectives on the Right to Health, presentation of the Roma culture and tradition specificities that will contribute to building networks of the Roma health experts as an important partner in development and implementation of public policies and further in the inclusion process implementation, will be administered by the Association of Roma Students from Novi Sad.
Association of Roma students from Novi Sad
Additional support is organized for the scholarship beneficiaries through following trainings:
Association of Roma students from Novi Sad
Additional support is organized for the scholarship beneficiaries through following trainings:
- Winter school, which is held annually, is attended by the scholarship beneficiaries and potentially their mentors where the invited applicants are offered trainings to strengthen their Roma identity.
- Also, the training enabled the applicants to improve their communication and negotiation skills in order to strengthen them in their role of the agents for change in the local communities with their professional capacities – particularly in the role of inter-cultural dialogue mediators.
- The training offers a broader perspective to the candidates on the human rights related topics in the field of the Roma community health as well as the role they can have as advocates of the Roma health-related rights on the local, national and international level.
- Training in the field of public advocacy offers a possibility for networking and bonding among the very beneficiaries.
Start the Engine III – Advocacy Activities within the Framework of Roma Health Scholarship Program
12. 12. 2013 - 31. 07. 2014.
In the period from 12 December 2013 to 31 July 2014, the Association of Roma Students conducted RHSP ‘’advocacy follow up’’ under the title Start the Engine 3 with 36 beneficiaries of the Roma Health Scholarship Program who received their scholarships for the first time in the academic 2012-2013 year.
The Project Start the Engine 3 is a continuation of the advocacy activities realized at Andrevlje in January 2013 through Advocacy Camp SASTO 4. Start the Engine 3 aimed at improving the fundamental advocacy skills acquired at the Advocacy Camp SASTO 4 through practice-based learning that is through implementation of the small-scale health-related local actions by the scholarship beneficiaries.
During six two-day-long training modules organized once a month, the scholarship beneficiaries were trained for implementation of small-scale actions in the field of health. Every training module elaborated different aspects in the advocacy process: team work, civic engagement and activism, identification and selection of the community health problems, development of the project proposal for advocacy actions, while two last modules represented advocacy implementation through raising the level of the local stakeholders’ interest in the action and execution of the very advocacy action.
The Project Start the Engine 3 is a continuation of the advocacy activities realized at Andrevlje in January 2013 through Advocacy Camp SASTO 4. Start the Engine 3 aimed at improving the fundamental advocacy skills acquired at the Advocacy Camp SASTO 4 through practice-based learning that is through implementation of the small-scale health-related local actions by the scholarship beneficiaries.
During six two-day-long training modules organized once a month, the scholarship beneficiaries were trained for implementation of small-scale actions in the field of health. Every training module elaborated different aspects in the advocacy process: team work, civic engagement and activism, identification and selection of the community health problems, development of the project proposal for advocacy actions, while two last modules represented advocacy implementation through raising the level of the local stakeholders’ interest in the action and execution of the very advocacy action.
Start the Engine
2011 / 2012
In the period from 1 September 2011 to 31 March 2012, the Association of Roma Students carried out the ‘’advocacy follow up’’ component with 47 beneficiaries of the Roma Health Scholarship Program in the academic 2010-2011 year. Resuming the advocacy-related activities, the Project ‘’Start the Engine” was implemented in 3 cities: Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Niš as well as in the towns where the greatest number of scholarship beneficiaries lived.
Through 6-Module trainings which were held once a month in each city, the scholarship beneficiaries implemented small-scale projects related to advocacy in the field of Roma health advancement.
Through 6-Module trainings which were held once a month in each city, the scholarship beneficiaries implemented small-scale projects related to advocacy in the field of Roma health advancement.
„SASTO III" – advocacy school for future Roma health professionals
9 - 16. februara 2013. godine
The third Advocacy School under the name of "SASTO 3” dedicated to the RHSP scholarship beneficiaries of the generation of 2011-2012 under the Roma Health Scholarship Program was held at the Centre for Economic and Technological Development of Vojvodina (CEPTOR) in Andrevlje, Fruška gora.
The objective of the Advocacy School funded by the Open Society Fund, Budapest, was capacity building of RHSP beneficiaries in the advocacy process of Roma health advancement.
Totally 38 participants took part at the Advocacy School of which 31 scholars and 7 mentors. Apart to 38 participants and mentors, the School work also involved: Gabriella Kurthi from the Open Society Fund of Budapest, Jadranka Stojanović from the Fund for an Open Society of Serbia, Jelena Savić, the contact point of RMUSP and RHSP Programs for Serbia, 16 professors presenters at School, 4 trainers from the Association of Roma Students, 2 assistants, 8 RHSP trainers, 6 RHSP scholars-presenters on the theme related to the experiences from the last year's advocacy follow up activity, a driver, an Advocacy School coordinator and his assistant, altogether 80 people.
The objective of the Advocacy School funded by the Open Society Fund, Budapest, was capacity building of RHSP beneficiaries in the advocacy process of Roma health advancement.
Totally 38 participants took part at the Advocacy School of which 31 scholars and 7 mentors. Apart to 38 participants and mentors, the School work also involved: Gabriella Kurthi from the Open Society Fund of Budapest, Jadranka Stojanović from the Fund for an Open Society of Serbia, Jelena Savić, the contact point of RMUSP and RHSP Programs for Serbia, 16 professors presenters at School, 4 trainers from the Association of Roma Students, 2 assistants, 8 RHSP trainers, 6 RHSP scholars-presenters on the theme related to the experiences from the last year's advocacy follow up activity, a driver, an Advocacy School coordinator and his assistant, altogether 80 people.
„SASTO 2”- advocacy school for future Roma health professionals
09 -16 January 2012
The Advocacy School ''SASTO 2'' was held from 9 to 16 January 2012 at the Centre for Economic and Technological Development of Vojvodina ''Andrevlje'' at Fruška Gora, as a part of the advocacy component of the Roma Health Scholarship Program funded by the Open Society Institute (OSI) and Roma Education Fund (REF).
The goal of the RHSP advocacy component was to empower the future Roma medical professionals to assume an active role in the Roma health advancement in the country, through development of life skills, skills of advocacy, communication and negotiation.
Participation at the School was mandatory for all RHSP beneficiaries, namely, 46 students who exercised the right to their first scholarship in the academic 2011-2012 year.
The participation was not mandatory for the scholarship beneficiaries who received the scholarships for the first time in the academic 2011-2012 year and who attended the Advocacy school SASTO organized in 2010.
The goal of the RHSP advocacy component was to empower the future Roma medical professionals to assume an active role in the Roma health advancement in the country, through development of life skills, skills of advocacy, communication and negotiation.
Participation at the School was mandatory for all RHSP beneficiaries, namely, 46 students who exercised the right to their first scholarship in the academic 2011-2012 year.
The participation was not mandatory for the scholarship beneficiaries who received the scholarships for the first time in the academic 2011-2012 year and who attended the Advocacy school SASTO organized in 2010.
“SASTO”- summer school for future Roma health professional
20 - 28 August 2010
Summer School for future Roma health professionals held in the period from 20 to 28 August, 2010, at Hotel Park Novi Sad, was implemented within the scope of the advocacy component of the Roma Health Scholarship Program - RHSP funded by the Open Society Institute and Roma Education Fund from Budapest.
Summer School was aimed at capacity building of the RHSP candidates and mentors for future advocacy for health advancement of the Roma community.
Totally 85 participants attended the Summer School, out of which 7 mentors and 78 students who applied for Roma Health Scholarship Program. Accordingly, only 11 candidates who applied for the Program did not respond to participate at the Summer School or over 81% of the RHSP candidates participated at the Summer School.
The Summer School Program was divided into 4 components and/or activities :
Summer School was aimed at capacity building of the RHSP candidates and mentors for future advocacy for health advancement of the Roma community.
Totally 85 participants attended the Summer School, out of which 7 mentors and 78 students who applied for Roma Health Scholarship Program. Accordingly, only 11 candidates who applied for the Program did not respond to participate at the Summer School or over 81% of the RHSP candidates participated at the Summer School.
The Summer School Program was divided into 4 components and/or activities :
- Training activities related to general topics concerning Roma
- Training activities related to Roma health
- Training activities dedicated to improvement of the candidates’ personal skills
- Training activities intended for social networking of the candidates
Tutorship support program for Roma High School students for entering Medical studies in Serbia in the academic year 2013/2014
2013 / 2014
This report is an interim narrative report on the implementation of project “Overcoming obstacles in entering Medical Universities for Roma high school students in Serbia“.
The Project is within the framework of the Roma Health Scholarship Program (RHSP), supported by the Roma Education Fund (REF) - Project Code: RHSP/SER, and its implemented in Serbia from 1st February 2013 to 30th August 2013 (7 months).
Objective of the projects is to ensure better access to Medical Universities of Roma high school students in Serbia, by organizing a comprehensive program for the entrance exam for medical studies.
The Project is within the framework of the Roma Health Scholarship Program (RHSP), supported by the Roma Education Fund (REF) - Project Code: RHSP/SER, and its implemented in Serbia from 1st February 2013 to 30th August 2013 (7 months).
Objective of the projects is to ensure better access to Medical Universities of Roma high school students in Serbia, by organizing a comprehensive program for the entrance exam for medical studies.
“Overcoming obstacles in entering Medical Universities for Roma high school students in Serbia“
1st April – 15th June 2012
This report is the 2nd interim narrative report on the implementation of the project “Overcoming obstacles in entering Medical Universities for Roma high school students in Serbia“ and it refers to the implementation period from 1st April to 15th June 2012.
The Project is within the framework of the Roma Health Scholarship Program (RHSP), supported by the Roma Education Fund (REF) - Project Code: RHSP/SER, and its implemented in Serbia from 1st November 2011 to 31st July 2012 (9 months).
Objective of the projects is to ensure better access to Medical Universities of Roma high school students in Serbia, by organizing comprehensive program for overcoming gaps in knowledge in biology and chemistry/mathematic from secondary school and preparation for passing the entrance exams at universities.
The Project is within the framework of the Roma Health Scholarship Program (RHSP), supported by the Roma Education Fund (REF) - Project Code: RHSP/SER, and its implemented in Serbia from 1st November 2011 to 31st July 2012 (9 months).
Objective of the projects is to ensure better access to Medical Universities of Roma high school students in Serbia, by organizing comprehensive program for overcoming gaps in knowledge in biology and chemistry/mathematic from secondary school and preparation for passing the entrance exams at universities.
“Overcoming obstacles in entering Medical Universities for Roma high school students in Serbia“
November 2011-10 April 2012
This report is the 1st interim narrative report on the implementation of the project “Overcoming obstacles in entering Medical Universities for Roma high school students in Serbia“ .
The Project is within the framework of the Roma Health Scholarship Program (RHSP), supported by the Roma Education Fund (REF), and its implemented in Serbia from 1st November 2011 to 31st July 2012 (9 months).
Objective of the Project is to ensure better access to Medical Universities for Roma high school students in Serbia, by organizing comprehensive program for overcoming gaps in knowledge in biology and chemistry/mathematics from secondary school and preparation for passing the entrance exams at universities.
The Project is within the framework of the Roma Health Scholarship Program (RHSP), supported by the Roma Education Fund (REF), and its implemented in Serbia from 1st November 2011 to 31st July 2012 (9 months).
Objective of the Project is to ensure better access to Medical Universities for Roma high school students in Serbia, by organizing comprehensive program for overcoming gaps in knowledge in biology and chemistry/mathematics from secondary school and preparation for passing the entrance exams at universities.