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Roma Health Scholarship Program

Building a generation of Roma medical professionals

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The main goal of the communication component of the program is to improve the image of the Roma community and the integration of young Roma in the medical profession and to promote the RHSP among the relevant stakeholders.
Project specific objectives are to support the fight against negative stereotypes about intellectual and educational standards of young Roma; to promote success stories from RHSP program and successful candidates from previous years; to encourage and support partner relationships with institutions - academic and government institutions and thus to increase the institutional awareness about the need of the sustainable development of the model and it`s multiply effects; to create a positive model for professional development for the Roma; to increase awareness of opportunities for equal access to quality healthcare through Roma Health Scholarship Program and its components.
Intelday Foundation implements the public presentation of the program in Bulgaria. It includes organizing and conducting trainings both for students and mentors for successful presentation to the media; production and dissemination of information to the media on the activities related to Scholarship Program; assistance with the participation of students or partners involved in implementing the program in TV and radio programs or interviews; presentation of successful practices at local and national media.


Open Society Foundations

Open Society Foundations provide the overall support for the RHSP.