The media component implemented by ActiveWatch aims at informing the potentia beneficiaries about the program and combats discrimination and the stereotypes about the access of Roma to prestigious qulifications
2014 - 2015
ActiveWatch has developed two videos presenting the program. One presents a part of our best students and the other presents the history of RHSP
2011 - 2013
The antidiscrimination campaign implemented by Activewatch aims to tear down the prejudice relating to Roma minority and to their capacity of holding high qualification positions and to bring prestige and reputation to roma professionals. Campaign evolves from the first stage where it presents a mirror of the mainstream’ s stereotypes of Roma people, to the final stage where Roma’s success is brought forth. We wish to discuss the stereotypization of Roma minorities as well as the examples and the successful stories. Thus we will encourage the majority to become ware of the “invisible Roma”, the ones who belong to Roma minority and who are successful in their careers and who are active in the Romanian society.
The results of the antidiscrimination campaign:
Besides the antidiscrimination campaign, the project also developed an information campaign that targeted the potential applicants for the scholarship. Its results are:
These campaigns were implemented with the financial support of the European Social Fund and the Romanian Government during the implementation of the project”A generation of Roma specialists in the medical field”
The results of the antidiscrimination campaign:
- 2 video spots
- 2 radio spots
- 4 antidiscrimination videos – Street talk show, Labelling, Fake job fair, and Medical advice
- 105 indoor/outdoor posters
- 7 TV channels to broadcast the TV spot
- 722 mass media broadcast of the TV spot
- 2 radio channels to broadcast the radio spot
- 80 mass media broadcast of the radio spot
- Website of the project – www.profesionistiromi.ro
- 4,366 disseminated posters
Besides the antidiscrimination campaign, the project also developed an information campaign that targeted the potential applicants for the scholarship. Its results are:
- 21,661 unique users visited the website
- 6,633 disseminated flyers
- 733 mass media broadcasts/apparitions
- 215 journalists involved in multiplying and disseminating the information about the program
- 69 NGOs which have disseminated information about the project and its benefits at local level
- 693 participants at the orientation sessions who were supported to apply for the scholarship
These campaigns were implemented with the financial support of the European Social Fund and the Romanian Government during the implementation of the project”A generation of Roma specialists in the medical field”
2010 - 2011
The media results are:
The media results are:
- a total of 273 materials (written media, online, TV and radio)
- 6 local meetings covering 240 participants
2009 - 2010
The media results are:
The media results are:
- 127 multimedia materials
- 1 dedicated edition of ROM EUROPEAN TV Show
- broadcast of the 2 radio spots on national Radi România Actualități
- 1 interview with Mircea Toma, team leader, on national television TVR Cluj, Transilvania la zi show
2008 - 2009
The media results are:
The media results are:
- 10 local meetings
- 61 materials in the central and local media
- 6 radio materials, 1 dedicated edition of ROM EUROPEAN TV Show
- 1 interview with George Soros in the central newspaper Evenimentul Zilei