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Roma Health Scholarship Program

Building a generation of Roma medical professionals

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Miroslav Angelov, Student of Medicine in Sofia Medical University

"My dream has always been to be a doctor..."

Miro, tell us about your path in education. What difficulties did you go through all the years at school and then at the university, and tell us about your success of course?
- I always knew I will work in the field of health care and my dream has always been to be a doctor, ever since I was little, and I have sought to achieve this dream in all ways I could. It was hard for me because I graduated from the gypsy school in my neighborhood, then I had to go to another school, and then I had to sit for an exam for enrollment at the university. Shortly before the exams my mother died and then my motivation was lowered but then I found some power within, so I showed up for on the exams for enrollment at the university and I was admitted at the medical college Yordanka Filaretova in Sofia, from where I graduated with excellence and after my graduation, I worked for some time in my specialty as a lab specialist. Then I attended a course for enrollment at the university, organized by the Health Problems of Minorities Foundation where I received good preparation for the university enrollment exams. I wanted to study medicine. So I applied on a general basis and I was accepted for medicine in three medical universities. I chose to enroll in Sofia and now I’m in the fourth year of study. I have always had difficulties but difficulties have always attracted me and they have given me more motivation. Now we also experience difficulties during our course of study but this is the path of a future doctor. Our motivation increases because we know that in the future our education will help the health care system which is not only for the Roma community but for our society as a whole.

How did Center Amalipe help you so far?
- We have been friends with everyone from the Center for years; we’ve known one another for a long time – from the time when the camp for advocacy was organized, which is part of the Scholarship Program for young Roma and students in medical universities and colleges. We work well together. They do their best to understand us, to help us when we have any difficulties. The trainings help us get to know our culture, understand a little more about Roma and accordingly gain practical knowledge which we can apply as professionals in the community and in the general practice and in society. I’ve always been on friendly terms with Center Amalipe and I am thankful to them for being responsive, communicative and always for the benefit of society. - What are your plans for the future and your career? - In the future I intend to complete my education successfully, at the moment I’m doing well thanks to the Scholarship Program. I hope to specialize in cardiology when I complete my education as a physician, and obtain a Master degree as a specialist. Then I see myself not as a doctor in an office but as a doctor who works among people and shares their problems, and generally I want to have dynamics. A different life, good development and practice in Bulgaria. - What gives you motivation to continue developing? - My motivation is rather person- al. It is related to the fact that the great majority of people suffer the scourges of cardio - vascular diseases and in general the perspective to be close to people, to work with them, listen to them and be part of their lives and stories, and the sense, the inner motivation that I can help them, these are all major reasons for my motivation.


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