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Roma Health Scholarship Program

Building a generation of Roma medical professionals

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"Tutor constructs the confidence and student's self confidence..."

Respected Roma students and friends,

Mentor comes from multi ethnic part of the capital and he has rich memories. Mentor recognizes ambitious and passive young people. These students are in the first group. Our communications and meetings are simple, friendly and based to contract and needs, not on the artificial agenda. General principle in the relation between tutor and student is clean: the success triggers next work, but the failure triggers more and much more work. Tutor constructs the confidence and student's self confidence. Every student wants to study, can study and respects the Program. He enjoys tutor and a support of family.
In the beginning of the study, student's adaptation is in the first place. Second step is a success to study and next step can be an engagement without of study. So, the older student works with the tutor in the project „Roma mothers including in the health care of their newborn infants during the period of intensive neonatal treatment‟. Young student has a role of accompanying project person. We think about some medical congress in the near future but during the summer.

Instead of a conclusion:

*Tutor: If you need some help to understand problematic material, we will learn together in this room.

*Student from a first year of study: No, thank you. I prefer to learn only individually.

**Tutor: After negative experience of last exam, we need to talk about next step. So, to repeat or not the same exam.

**Student from a third year of study: No, my decision is definitely. I told to professor that I have all knowledge in my head, and I don’t want to repeat the same exam.

In the end, who is professor and who is a student?


Open Society Foundations

Open Society Foundations provide the overall support for the RHSP.